10 Free Tools That Can Make You A Reel Star

Instagram Reels - Buffalo Soldiers Digital

Source: EmbedSocial

 Reels is a new feature introduced by Instagram that is famously known as the ‘TikTok substitute’. It allows you to create exciting videos to share with your friends and followers. It comes with a lot of fun features that are described in detail below. 

  • Audio

Latest songs, music clips, background scores, tunes etc, you name it and it’s available on reels. You can also add your own original audio to record a reel. This audio can be used by others by selecting “Use Audio” from your reel. 

  • Timer

The timer is to set the overall timing of the reels. It ranges from 0 to 15 seconds. Once you set the timer, there is a countdown before the shooting time starts. You can set the countdown to either 3 or 10 seconds. 

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Source: Adweek

  • Align

The 15 seconds can be split into various parts instead of shooting it as one video. These segments can then be linked together without any problem in the transitions. This feature helps to add more people, change clothes in between, change backgrounds etc in your reels. 

  • Speed

You can increase and/or decrease the speed of the video you shoot. This helps you make slow-motion videos too. It is an exciting feature that helps you create unique videos with a mix of fast and slow speeds. 

  • Effects and add-ons

The reels gallery offers a lot of effects to add to your videos. Filters, add-ons, colors, etc are all available in this slot. This option makes it extremely interesting and fun to make.

These are the inbuilt features of reels that every reel lover needs to be aware of. Proper usage of these features can make people go ‘wow” at your shots. 

Apart from these, there are a few tricks and tips we’d like to share with you. 

Combining the following tricks with these features is what makes it the real deal! 

  • Know the trends

Being trendy and recent is very important. No one wants to watch old ideas and concepts on your reels. Create new content. Make use of the new filters and effects to increase excitement. 

  • Make it catchy

We all know that it’s just a matter of 15 seconds. Information heavy reels have lesser excitement to offer than catchy ones. Use catchy music and tunes to make your reels groovy or captative. Use nice backgrounds and add colour and style through your clothes. 

  • Less is more

Do not try to add a lot of segments or ideas into a single reels video. Place your focus on minimal ideas and make it creative to that extent. 

  • Include your friends

Who does not like to see a happy and crazy video of a bunch of buddies? Take help from your friends to create happening reels. 

  • Say Hi to Mother Nature

Include nature and natural beauty to your reels. Make your reels pleasant, appreciative of nature, and eye-catching. 

Reels Format - Buffalo Soldiers Digital

Source: BusinesIinsider

  • Public accounts

To become more visible as a reels star, make your account public. This way your videos are exposed to the mass public and there is more chance of getting noticed. 

Is Instagram Reels only for fun and excitement? That’s where we go wrong. Reels can also be used as a powerful tool for business and marketing. The attraction and sensation make it a very reliable tool to gain attention from the target audience.

Apart from the tricks mentioned above, to create great Instagram Reels content for your business:

Make sure you pick the right time to post your reels. On a glance, anytime between 9 am and 4 pm from Monday through Sunday gets a lot of engagement on Instagram. The main aim is to use the platform at a time when there is significantly more potential engagement available from the target audience. 

Hint about your reels in advance to create a wait or hype among the audience. This makes the target audience eager to watch your reels which increases the chance of getting noticed. 

Promote and share your reels as much as possible once it’s introduced. This helps to keep up the hype and increases engagement. Sharing through other pages, word of mouth, continuous advertising, etc helps to maintain the hype. 

As mentioned above, be aware of the trends, lighting, colors, and backgrounds. This helps make it catchy and interesting for the audience. 

 We at Buffalo Soldiers are happy to tend to you with this blog to help you become the ‘talk of the town!’ We’d love to keep helping and connecting with all of you. 

Happy REELING! 🙂 

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Radhika Agarwal