The University Of Sydney’s Star Alumni Is Also Our Co-Founder: Kudos to Arijit

It always feels good when one of our co-founders gets recognised in their passionate area away from their routine work. We, at Buffalo Soldiers Media and Strategists, encourage our team members to work on their passion areas.

Recently, Australia’s oldest university, The University of Sydney, visited India and Arijit Banarji, our co-founder, played the pivotal role of bridging the gap between the University and the students of the future. Arijit, the central point of contact for the University, has been religiously working with the aim of building and nurturing an alumni group to expand their presence and open at least 5 new offices across India.

Recently, at an alumni meet-and-greet session in New Delhi, Arijit was featured in their marketing brochure as one of the key alumni along with the current High Commissioner to India, Ms. Harinder Sidhu. This brochure has been used to promote the university and handed during their partnership visit and tie-ups in places like IIT-Bombay and TISS. Quite literally, thanks to Arijit, we have travelled some distance without leaving our office!

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Over the last few years, Arijit has been featured by the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Australian Government as part of its “Inspiring Alumni” campaign to promote their education sector; showcasing this to potential new students and others to choose Australia as study, work and travel destination.

And that’s not it, just last year, our co-founder was selected as one of 15 Indian delegates for a Track-II youth leadership program, Australia-India Youth Dialogue (AIYD). This platform is run and recognised by some of the top-tier Australian educational institutions, supported by both India and Australia governments, and discusses on a range of topics which helps in forming policies for both the countries to enhance the Ind-Aus relation.

Arijit, an avid reader and a crazy football fanatic, is a former Editor of Sydney-based Indian news publication, ‘The Indian Telegraph’. He ran a start up Down Under in design and prints. Arijit became the name and face of his publication and brought an offline product into digital media, mainly by use of social media. Awarded the ‘Young Journalist Award’ in 2015 from the New South Wales Govt, Parliamentary Counsel’s Office, Arijit soon answered the call of the motherland and landed a spot in the digital world of News World India (formerly Focus News).

In 2016, he was part of the founding team of Buffalo Soldiers Media & Strategists, where he brings in his experiences and skills as his start-up keeps growing, mainly focusing on creating the first medium for global football fans to connect and interact called ‘FootTheBall’ which made in the top 15 start ups by UberPitch India, 2016 and is in top 30 start ups by leAD Sports Accelarator (Berlin) 2017.

Currently, Arijit is in the process of setting up an India chapter for his Alma Mater after receiving the blessing of his university who have agreed to assist in this matter. With over 60,000 Indian students studying Down Under and  rising diasporas there, we at Buffalo Soldiers are here to assist his university in realising their full outreach for this most dynamic of student market.

Here is the video commissioned by Austrade:

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