Top 10 Trends In Content Marketing

Despite skepticism about the worthiness of content marketing as a revolutionary marketing tool, findings from CMI research indicates for nearly 65% B2B content marketing programs are more successful than a year ago. This certainly indicates that content marketing is here to stay. The catch is to understand the shifting trends of content marketing and catching up with the latest trends.

Storytelling Is The Key

Gone are the days when click bait alone can work. The digital revolution has seen an upsurge in content. Some of those are annoyingly repetitive, low-value and fails to connect emotionally with the consumer. The real art is in storytelling. How can a 500-word article sum up what you want to say and how can it connect to a consumer in a language that they understand is what you need to figure out.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the new shifting trend.  How well do you know your product ability to add value to your customer? What is your unique edge? Is your content actively directing user attention towards your unique selling point? The new age influencer marketers are smartly working on strategies involving the right tools. The focus is on the authenticity of content, originality of content, building trust. A great way to achieve this is by enabling regular user feedback like allowing more written reviews, guest blogs from customers and more interaction with consumers via the digital platform.

Content Marketing Strategy

A significant section of small and large businesses surprisingly do not have a content marketing strategy in place. It is always worthwhile to have a set plan to follow that incorporates new trends, tools, and consumer touch points while keeping an eye on anticipated trends. A large chunk of money would be focused on authentic information and user-generated content while striking out the irrelevant, fake and duplicate information online.

Messenger Chatboxes And Video Content

Chatboxes would enable personalized interaction and customer service for clients. Like the Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana, chatbots which significantly attain fast popularity. This would enable more personalized interaction with users.

Social Media Paid Ad Campaigns

At the outset, there wasn’t a clear trust for paid ads. This has however changed over the years.  The trend is shifting towards more targeted ads which have higher ability to connect to consumer psyche.

Live Videos An Interactive Broadcasting

Facebook Watch a newly introduced feature by Facebook in August 2017 would give a neck to neck competition YoutTube. It is indeed a very useful tool to create a personalized interaction that builds trust and validates the product and services offered. Here are some quick tips to incorporate live streaming into a content strategy. 

Focus On Mobile Content Marketing

About 80 percent of Facebook revenue comes from mobile ads. Trends show by 2020 almost 60 percent of users would rely on mobile ads for purchase decisions.

Machine Learning And Artificial Intelligence

Several smart devices are being experimented to enable user interaction. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are gaining prominence.

Native advertising

Native advertising is set to play a big role in content marketing strategy, both in 2018 and beyond.

Augmented Reality And 360 Video Will Dominate

As per experts, by 2019, 80 percent of global internet consumption would be occupied by video content. What could be better when a digital content brings a virtual scenario into real life. Thanks to technology,  the trend shows increased focus on techies to make AR seamless, widespread and fascinating. Here is an insight from Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook himself:

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Urmi Bhattacharjee