Tips And Tricks To Know Before Creating Your Website On WordPress

creating your website on WordPress

Creating your own website is like an overwhelming achievement. 

Well, with the influence and spread of digitization, the process of curating and designing your website has become so easy.

But before you dive deep into the process of creating your own website with creative customization, let us understand some tips and tricks that will help you prevent the common mistakes people tend to make while creating their websites.

User Experience should be the first priority

Never forget to answer this question:

For who are you designing this website?

Who is your target audience?

Answering these questions will help you design your website better and be inclined towards a more productive user experience. 

The whole point is to create a user-friendly website that helps every visitor get the right information he/she is searching for at their fingertips rather than getting irritated moving from one page to another in search of the same.

This practice will help drive higher traffic on your website and eventually become the best and first choice for your target audience.

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Source: Wpexplorer

Make it mobile-friendly

Today, when more than 95% of people globally use mobile phones as a medium to interact over the internet, it becomes all the more significant to take note of the same and add the required plugins that make your website device friendly. 

This feature acts as a great traffic booster on your website. Just ensure that whether a visitor is using a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop to browse your website, it should look the same irrespective of the medium.

This thing might sound not so important to you at this moment but is one of the most important distinguishing factors between a top-ranked and successful website from an underrated one.

Customize your About Us page

Before you judge the relevance of the About us page for your website, you must understand the fact that this page is the second most visited page across websites over the internet. 

It helps the visitor know and understand who you are and what do you do.

So pay as much attention as possible to the About Us page as you give to the home page.

Ensure that you express the mission, vision, and your story most impressively and creatively that uses less number of words that are easy to understand. 

While designing your website and creating content, never forget to use as simple language as possible so that anyone who comes to your website and reads it can understand what are you trying to convey irrespective of the age group.

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Source: Websiteplanet

Develop the basics of SEO

Having a basic knowledge of SEO is a must if you aim to rank your website on the search engine.

This knowledge will be a great help when you design your website. A few of the key pointers that you must incorporate in your website are as follows:

  • Add alt text in your images as it helps google to read it and rank your website better.
  • Use a lot of inbound and outbound links to your website. 
  • Use a dash (-) instead of an underscore (_) while renaming your files over WordPress. Google understands separate words with the use of the dash.
  • Ensure that the speed of your website is fast.
  • Use the right set of keywords that align with the topic you are explaining. 

Use WordPress online support

The online support feature offered by WordPress is a go-to rescue option for all first-timers.

It helps to answer all your queries and clears all your confusion that you might face while creating your website.

So make the best use of this feature to clarify all your confusion rather than switching to Google to clarify the same.

Organize your sidebar

Select all the necessary tabs that your target audience might be looking for while visiting your website and add them on your sidebar for the convince of every visitor.

This practice is an add on to the user experience element to your website.

Backup your website data regularly

At times, it is possible that you lose some data or unable to retrieve any information due to technical glitches.

Therefore, it is advised to regularly take a backup of your website data by adding suitable plugins to avoid problems in restoring your valuable data safely and easily.

To know more about web development, visit Buffalo Soldiers Digital, the hub for web development expertise that is ready to help you create the best of websites for you and your business in the best way possible. 






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Pragati Soni